UNIFEM Program to Support Women in Peace Building
Though the increase in women's involvement is often available on paper, such as UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women and Peace, implementation of such actions can be difficult. One major limitation to women's full participation in the peace process is continued gender-based and sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict situations. For women to participate in public-decision making, their safety and security must be ensured. Such participation is vital to achieving sustainable peace.
The partnerships and programs will include multiple levels of engagement and participation, including neighborhood, police, formal processes and service providers to other survivors. The type and level of implementation will vary across the six countries and will be unique to the conflict or post-conflict situation currently in the country.
Compiled from: UNIFEM Launches Community-Based Programme to Support Women in Peacebuilding and Prevention of Sexual Violence, News Release, United Nations Development Fund for Women, 12 April 2007.
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