Nairobi Declaration on Women and Girls' Right to a
In March of 2007, women’s rights activists and advocates, along with survivors of sexual violence from around the world, gathered in Nairobi to create a declaration on “Women's and Girls' Right to a Remedy and Reparation.” Violence against women occurring in areas of conflict is a worldwide problem that requires special care and attention to ensure that victims receive equal and ample access to justice and healing.
“DEEPLY CONCERNED that gender-based violence, and particularly sexual violence and violations against women and girls, are weapons of war, assuming unacceptably alarming proportions as wars, genocide and communal violence have taken their toll inside and between countries the world over within the last two decades… [we declare] that initiatives and strategies at the local, national, regional and international levels to ensure justice have not been effective from the perspectives of victims and survivors of these crimes and violations in a holistic manner" (Preamble).
As actions are being taken to provide aid to women and girls who have survived such violence, it is essential that “All policies and measures relating to reparation must explicitly be based on the principle of non-discrimination” (Section 1, Letter B). To better represent the needs of victims, “Full participation of women and girls victims should be guaranteed in every stage of the reparation process” (Section 2, Letter B).
Finally, in order to properly address violence against women, reactive policies must be abandoned in favor of proactive solutions. “Reparation must go above and beyond the immediate reasons and consequences of the crimes and violations; they must aim to address the political and structural inequalities that negatively shape women’s and girls’ lives” (Section 3, Letter H). Only by addressing the roots of the problem will there truly be a remedy and reparation for victims.
Compiled from: Nairobi Declaration on Women's and Girls' Right to a Remedy and Reparation, Coalition for Women’s Human Rights in Conflict Situations, March 2007.
In order to read full text of the declaration, as well as to add your signature, click here.
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