Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

ASEAN Issues Report to Help Combat Human Trafficki

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has declared itself committed to fighting human trafficking within its member states, and therefore, has issued a report to assist those nations with this task. Officials from ASEAN believe that it is only with accurate and complete data that each state can begin to understand the actual situation for human trafficking within their borders, and therefore, properly begin to combat the problem. 

Great attention was paid to the data in the report, as well as to how it was obtained. Four of the member states allowed special researchers to analyze their data collection methods to demonstrate their commitment to combating human trafficking. ASEAN hopes that this improved data and its improved access to nations will be helpful for authorities working on this issue.

In order to download the full report, please click here (pdf 164 pages).

Compiled from: ASEAN and Trafficking in Persons: Using Data as a Tool to Combat Trafficking in Persons, International Organization for Migration, 2007.

Human Trafficking

For more information on human trafficking, please click here.
