OSCE Project Co-ordinator to Train Ukrainian Journ
About 80 journalists from different Ukrainian media will participate in the two-day training sessions, to be held in July and August 2007.
"Ethical reporting on human trafficking can contribute significantly to help prevent and combat this modern form of slavery," said Ambassador James F. Schumaker, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.
The courses will analyze the root causes and consequences of human trafficking. Participating journalists will also learn to recognize stereotypes and misconceptions and how to communicate and conduct interviews with trafficking victims. International and Ukrainian anti-trafficking legislation will also be covered.
The courses are based on the recently published OSCE Toolkit on Media Coverage of Human Trafficking, which is designed to serve as a background reader for journalists.
"The toolkit and the training sessions will provide journalists with a deeper understanding of the issue and help them to produce newsworthy stories on human trafficking without encroaching on the rights of the victims," Ambassador Schumaker added.
The courses will be followed by a regional seminar to be held in Kyiv in September 2007 during which journalists will develop and analyse anti-trafficking articles and broadcast segments. The aim is to ensure professional and ethical coverage of trafficking.
Both the Toolkit and the training sessions were developed in co-operation with the Anti-Trafficking Programme of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. The Canadian International Development Agency and the Austrian government have paid for the courses.
Published in: "OSCE Project Co-ordinator to Train Ukrainian Journalists on Reporting on Human Trafficking," Press Release, The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 13 July 2007.
For More Information
For more information on human trafficking, please visit the Trafficking in Women section of this website.
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