Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Switzerland Amends Law to Protect Victims of Domes

As of July 1st, victims of domestic violence in Switzerland will be able to ask judges for protection orders excluding the violent partner from the home. The courts will also be able to issue restraining orders protecting victims from being contacted or approached by the violent person or by stalkers. Specialists, however, are concerned that the law might be rendered useless if the courts do not apply it fully. The amendment also offers no protection to foreign women, who often don’t seek protection against a violent partner due to concerns about their residency status. Switzerland only grants residency to foreigners with jobs, although recently a law was adopted giving the cantons the ability to grant residency to individuals in extreme cases. Specialists also claim there is much work on domestic violence that still needs to be done and that educating young people within Switzerland about the issue is extremely necessary.

Cited From: Capper, Scott, “Domestic Violence Faces Tougher Legislation,” UNIFEM, 30 June 2007.

For More Information

For more information see our Domestic Violence page.
