On 9-10 May 2007, the Southeast Sub-Regional Meeting, “Towards a New Regional Model for Combating Domestic Violence,” took place in
Sofia, Bulgaria. Organized under the UN Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women, the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF) and the UNIFEM CEE office coordinated a meeting of organizations working to end domestic violence in Southeastern Europe and
Turkey. The meeting sought to facilitate ideas for future activities to end domestic violence in the sub-region. Sixteen NGOs sent representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia; in addition, representatives from gender equality mechanisms in Montenegro and Vojvodina, Serbia, two regional experts and three UNIFEM representatives attended the meeting.
The report presents the findings from the UNIFEM-BGRF questionnaire, as well as the main conclusions and recommendations of the meeting “Towards a New Regional Model for Combating Domestic Violence.” Sofia, May 9-10, 2007.
Compiled from: Southeast Europe Sub-Regional Meeting: Towards a New Regional Model for Combating Domestic Violence, 9-10 May 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, UNIFEM, last visited 26 October 2007; Ending Domestic Violence in Southeast Europe and Turkey: Towards a Regional Strategy for Action, UNIFEM CEE, July 2007.