Women in the US Military Face Sexual Violence and
Another report of 23,595 respondents surveyed sexual harassment and gender relations. It found that 34% of women and 6% of men say they have experienced sexual harassment during active duty, and about 7% of women and 2% of men experienced unwanted sexual contact.
Congress mandates this reporting every four years. The Army had the highest percentage of unwanted sexual contact, and the Air Force had the lowest percentage. Additionally, as a woman’s rank increased, the likelihood of harassment decreased. Almost all of the respondents (about ninety percent) claimed to receive “effective” training on sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Compiled from: “Mixed News on Sexual Violence in the Military,” Family Violence Prevention Fund, 1 April 2008 and “Serving the Country at the Risk of Being Raped,” Harman, Rep. Jane, StarTribune, 2 April 2008.
For More Information
For more information, please visit our Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment wepages.
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