Isha L’Isha, an Israeli NGO focused on human trafficking, hosted a ten-day seminar in Israel from March 23rd through April 3rd. Participants included both NGO representatives and law enforcement members from Israel and five of the primary source countries of trafficking into Israel: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Moldova. The time was split between study days involving presentations relevant to all those present, and tour days where NGO representatives and the police split into separate parties and toured locations and organizations relevant to their duties in their respective countries. The program served to develop both informal and formal ties between source countries, as well as with Israel.
To see the full report, click here.
Compiled from: "Joining Forces to End Trafficking: A Multi-National Approach," Isha L'Isha - Haifa Feminist Center, April 2008.
For More Information
For more information, please see Training Programs and Technical Cooperation and Legal Protection webpages and the Moldova and Ukraine Country Pages.