On 15 and 16 May 2008, the Nordic Baltic Network held its fourth meeting in Tallinn, Estonia. The Network is a three-year pilot project that brings together government and NGO experts from all eight Nordic and Baltic countries, seeking to improve assistance and support to women victims of sex trafficking. The meeting allowed members of the Network to discuss their past successes and continuing challenges, and included specific sessions on victim compensation, differing regional models of assistance, and victims of trafficking who decline assistance. Although the pilot phase of the project will end later this year, the network members discussed ways to continue cooperation through meetings and trainings, and stressed the importance of further funding for shelters and victim assistance efforts, as well as increased work against the demand for women in the sex industry.
For additional information about the meeting, click here.
Compiled from: Lisa Kerker, "The 4th meeting of the Nordic-Baltic Network was held in Tallinn 15-16 May," Nordic Baltic Network, last accessed 28 May 2008; "Experts call for strenghtening cooperation in assistance to victims of trafficking," European Women's Lobby, last accessed 28 May 2008.
For More Information
For more information, please visit the Protection, Support and Assistance of Victims section of this website.