One U.S. State's Public Schools Offer Curriculum o
The provision requiring schools to incorporate dating violence into their health education curriculums has received mixed responses. Some criticize that the new law will not provide extra funding to schools who are already strapped for cash. A positive aspect of the law is that schools that previously did not allow domestic violence educators into the classrooms may start to bring in agencies to assist with the curriculum. Schools can also utilize a model curriculum created by the Rhode Island Department of Education. (PDF, 52 pages.)
The law will help inform students about the prevalence of dating violence and ways to avoid it. Advocates of the law hope that other
Compiled from: Littlefield, Amy, “R.I. Offers Lesson Plan on Teen Dating Violence,” Women’s eNews (21 October 2008).
For More Information
For more information, please see the Date and Acquaintance Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence sections of this website.
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