Significant Rate of Sexual Trauma among U.S. Women
Overall, the researchers say this study underscores the need to continue VHA’s universal MST screening policy and to provide early intervention for MST victims in order to prevent them from developing long-term consequences such as mental illnesses.
Compiled from:
American Public Health Association (APHA), News Room, Substantial Proportion of Female Veterans Report Military Sexual Trauma: Military Sexual Trauma Is Associated with Higher Rates of Mental Health Problems (28 October 2008).
Feminist Majority Foundation, Feminist Daily News Wire, Sexual Trauma Affects Many Women Veterans (29 October 2008).
Kimerling, Rachel et al., Burden of Mental Illness Associated with Military Sexual Trauma among Veterans Deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, in American Public Health Association (APHA), Scientific Sessions, 2008 Annual Meeting (28 October 2008). (Abstract).
For More Information:
Please see the Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment sections of this site.
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