Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

U.S. Report Released: "When Men Murder Women: An A

The Violence Policy Center based in Washington, D.C., released a report in September entitled When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2006 Homicide Data.  The report found that female victims of intimate partner violence are 54% more likely to be killed by guns than by all other means combined. While guns are more likely to be used to display hostility than in self-defense, the report also found that women are more likely than men to be victims of violent crimes. Morevoer, women who live in a home with a gun are more than three times as likely to murdered than other women.

The report analyzed 2006 figures (the most recent available) when 1,838 females were murdered by males in single victim/single offender incidents in the United States. Of these, 92% knew the murderer, and 60% of those who knew the murderer were murdered by their husband or intimate partner.

To read the full report, click here. (PDF, 36 pages.)

Compiled from: Females Murdered by Males in Single Victim/Single Offender Incidents, Violence Policy Center (September 2008).

For more information, see the Domestic Violence section of this website.
