Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

OSCE-Kosovo Begins Two-Week Campaign against Human

Kosovo is a source, transit-point, and destination for human trafficking. Women and children are especially targeted for trafficking for sexual exploitation and forced labor.  On 25 November, the Kosovo office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) began a two-week campaign against human trafficking. The campaign includes television and outdoor advertising for a free human trafficking reporting hotline, and will close on 10 December with a concert. OSCE-Kosovo’s goal is to encourage people to report incidents of human trafficking.  A secondary goal is to celebrate the UN Declaration of Human Rights’ 60th anniversary: the campaign symbolically starts on the Day against Violence against Women and ends on Human Rights Day.

For the full text of this press release, please click here.

Compiled from: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Press Release: OSCE Mission in Kosovo Launches Campaign Against Human Trafficking (25 November 2008).

For More Information:

Please see the Trafficking in Women section of this site.
