United Nations Development Programme Report on Wom
The Regional Bureau for
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), to which all states in the region are parties, provides a framework from which to work on creating gender equality. Other documents such as the Beijing Platform for Action, the Treaty of Lisbon, and the Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review are also discussed in terms of how they already deal with gender equality. The UNDP report then examines why gender inequality still exists, even though states have agreed to promote gender equality through many different venues. Gender-based violence, for example, is cited as a primary concern in that it affects women’s health and women’s human rights.
Compiled from: UNDP Regional Report on Women and Governance, UNDP: Europe & CIS, 2008; Regional Gender Equality Strategy, 2008-2011, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS (Word, 28 pages).
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