Traffickers’ Assets to Be Seized in Spain
The Plan requires changing the Spanish criminal code and other legislative reforms, so it will not go into effect immediately. One important change is that victims will be able to testify against their traffickers before trial, but will not be required to testify again at trial. It is hoped that this measure will encourage witnesses to testify and discourage the withdrawal of testimony. Another new provision allows victims to receive social and legal assistance for at least 30 days before reporting their trafficker or pimp, rather than the current law which requires immediate reporting to avoid deportation from the country.
The Government will allocate 44 million Euros to fund the Plan over three years, which came into force on 1 January 2009. Continued funding will come from seized assets.
Compiled from: Drago, Tito, Spain: Human Traffickers’ Assets to Be Seized, IPS News, 12 December 2008; Aprobado el Plan Integral de Lucha contra la Trata de Seres Humanos con fines de explotación sexual, Gobierno de España, last accessed 26 January 2009.
For More Information
For more information, please see the Trafficking in Women section of this website.
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