Morocco Launches Domestic Violence Awareness Campa
Domestic violence is not uncommon in
Once a woman calls the hotline, her options are to either file a complaint with the crown prosecutor or to hire an attorney. Divorce is one option; under the new Family Code which entered force in 2006, women in violent marriages have the right to initiate divorce proceedings and judges must rule on these cases within six months. Before the amendments, IPS said women could not initiate divorce, and cases could take three to four years to finalize. Filing criminal charges against an abuser is a more difficult option; under the current Penal Code, a woman’s verbal testimony of abuse is not enough evidence to convict her husband of a crime. Since the campaign began, the hotlines have experienced an increased number of calls.
For the full text of the IPS article, please click here.
For background information on the Secretariat and UNFPA study, please click here (PDF, 7 pages).
Compiled from:
Amina Barakat for Inter-Press Service News Agency (IPS), RIGHTS-MOROCCO: Renewed Efforts to End Violence Against Women (17 March 2009).
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Violence Against Women Case Studies 2007, “Chapter 4:
For More Information:
Please see the Domestic Violence section and Morocco country page on this site, as well as these recent What’s New articles: ICRW & UNFPA Release Report on Costs of Intimate Partner Violence in Bangladesh, Morocco and Uganda and Morocco’s King Lifts Reservations to CEDAW.
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