Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

European Parliament Endorses UNIFEM Fight to End G

The European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, has endorsed the UNIFEM campaign Say NO to Violence against Women and has called on the European Commission to designate a “European Year on Zero Tolerance of Violence against Women” to highlight the issue within the next five years.

Say NO to Violence against Women is a public awareness and Internet advocacy initiative calling upon governments worldwide to make ending violence against women and girls a top priority.  It is part of the UN Secretary-General’s larger UNiTE to End Violence against Women  campaign.  Swedish Member Eva-Britt Svensson sponsored a written declaration which included both the endorsement for the UNIFEM campaign and the call for broader European political will to stop violence against women.

Compiled from:  UNIFEM News Release, "European Parliament calls for a Year on Zero Tolerance of Violence against Women", 21 April 2009  .

For more information please see the Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Trafficking in Women, Sexual Harassment, Global Gender Issues, and The United Nations Human Rights System sections of this website.
