USA: New Policy Gives Foreign Victims of Domestic
Victims of domestic abuse in foreign countries may now be able to gain asylum in the
As with all applicants for asylum, applicants will have to demonstrate a genuine fear of discrimination based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. According to the New York Times, the applicants will also be required to show that their abuser treats them as a subordinate, that their situation will not be relieved by moving to another region in their country of origin, that their country of origin allows domestic abuse, and that institutions in their country of origin do not offer adequate protection from domestic violence. The policy does not include women seeking an escape from female genital mutilation.
The Obama administration introduced the policy in a case currently taking place in an immigration appeals court. The case involves a woman from
The woman escaped to
For more information, please access the full New York Times article here.
Compiled from: Julia Preston, “New Policy Permits Asylum for Battered Women,” The
For More Information
Please see U.S. Attorney General Lifts Stay on Asylum Cases Involving Domestic Violence: Matter of R-A-., Gender-Based Asylum, and the Domestic Violence sections of this website.
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