Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

Handbook Supports the Development of Peace Policie

The International Women’s Tribune Center has released a report entitled "Confronting Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations," one of four sections to be published in the organization's upcoming handbook, “Women Claiming Justice: Using International Law in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations.” The document is intended to support human rights activists working globally to pursue justice by highlighting the key role of women in rebuilding society in the aftermath of war.

The manual positions women’s rights within the broader spectrum of international human rights law and provides an overview of steps for developing laws and policies that can be used as a tool to promote justice, particularly for women. Additionally, the report outlines the various manifestations of sexual violence frequently exhibited in conflict zones, specifically highlighting rape and sexual abuse, domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and trafficking. The document also provides a “Peace Builders Action Toolkit” with resources for activists working to create peace and justice. 

Compiled from: “Confronting Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations,” International Women's Tribune Center (2009). (PDF, 40 pages)

For More Information

Please see the Sexual Assault During Armed Conflict section of this website, and the following What's New article: UN Secretary General's Release of a Report on Sexual Violence in Conflict Areas (4 August 2009).
