Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

November 2003

Latvia's First Periodic Report under CAT Examined
21 November 2003

Latvia's First Periodic Report under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) was examined by the Committee against Torture at its 31st session from 10 November 2003 to 21 November 2003. In its concluding observations, the Committee welcomed, among several initiatives, the 1995 establishment of the National Human Rights Office, and several new laws, including a draft amnesty law that would release or reduce prison sentences for certain groups, such as pregnant women and women with infant children. The Committee expressed concern over prison conditions, reports of ill-treatment by police, and other rights related to detention and asylum.

Latvia acceded to CAT on 14 May 1992.

Lithuania's First Periodic Report under CAT Examined
21 November 2003

Lithuania's First Periodic Report under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) was examined by the Committee against Torture at its 31st session from 10 November 2003 to 21 November 2003. In its concluding observations, the Committee welcomed several new laws and developments, including the approval of a National Human Rights Action Plan and the establishment of an Ombudsman for Equal Opportunities of Women and Men. The Committee expressed concern over several issues, including reports of ill-treatment of detainees and prisoners, detention conditions, and the lack of a definition for torture and the absence of a specific offense for torture in the penal laws.

Lithuania ratified CAT on 2 March 1996.

Moldova's First Periodic Report under the ICESCR Examined
28 November 2003

The Republic of Moldova's First Periodic Report under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was examined by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights during its 31st session from 10 November 2003 to 28 November 2003. Moldova acceded to the ICESCR on 26 April 1993. In its concluding observations, the Committee welcomed the 1999 creation of the National Commission for Women's Issues and the 2003 National Plan to Promote Gender Equality in Society. The Committee expressed concern, however, over the wage disparity between women and men; the persistent problem of trafficking in women despite penal provisions and a national plan to combat trafficking; and the absence of laws prohibiting domestic violence specifically. The Committee urged the Moldovan government to take measures to reduce gender inequality, strengthen efforts to counter trafficking, define domestic violence as a crime under the criminal code, and effectuate proposed amendments to the civil procedure code that would protect victims of domestic violence.

For more information about the Republic of Moldova's Reporting Schedule, please visit the Moldova section of this website.

Russian Federation's Fourth Periodic Report under the ICESCR Examined
28 November 2003

The Russian Federation's Fourth Periodic Report under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)was examined by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights during its 31st session from 10 November 2003 to 28 November 2003. The Russian Federation ratified the ICESCR on 3 January 1976. In its concluding observations, the Committee welcomed efforts to increase women's participation in the political sphere and to protect against discrimination in the workplace. It expressed concern, however, over wage disparities between women and men, as well as sexual harassment of women. The Committee encouraged the government to pass the draft law, "On State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Freedoms, and Equal Opportunities, for Men and Women in the Russian Federation" and to adopt legislation prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace and improving the work environment for women.

For more information on the Russian Federation's Reporting Schedule, please visit the Russian Federation section of this website.
