United Kingdom: More Perpetrators Held Accountable for Violence Against Women
Prosecutions for violence against women in the United Kingdom have increased by 18% from January to April, as compared to the same time last year. The most recent Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) report recorded the “highest ever number of convictions” for domestic violence, sexual violence and honour-based violence. The report attributes the increase to a number of factors, including a rise in reporting by victims, new stalking offenses introduced in 2012, and improved procedures for addressing cases of violence against women implemented by police and prosecutors. The report also noted the “growing use” of the internet by perpetrators to facilitate harassment and violence against women, which the CPS said also created new sources of evidence that prosecutors could use to tackle crimes against women. The CPS added that it is creating new guidelines to assist police and prosecutors in combating cyber-based violence against women.
Compiled from: Shaw, Danny, Record number of prosecutions for violence against women, BBC (June 25, 2015).