Tunisia: Parliament Approves “Landmark” Law on Violence Against Women
The Parliament of Tunisia has passed a “landmark” national law to eliminate violence against women. The new law broadly defines violence against women to include physical, “economic, sexual, political and psychological” violence. The law also includes provisions to aid victims in accessing “necessary services and legal and psychological assistance.” It strengthens penalties for perpetrators of violence and eliminates a provision in Tunisian law that allowed rapists to escape punishment by marrying their minor victims. The new law is expected to enter into force in 2018.
According to human rights groups, funding and implementation of the new law are “key to making a tangible difference to women’s lives.” For example, the new law requires authorities to refer victims to shelters, but provides no mechanism for funding such shelters.
The Advocates for Human Rights recently partnered with Mobilising Rights Associates to submit a joint stakeholder report on violence against women in Tunisia to the UN Human Rights Council for Tunisia's Universal Periodic Review.
Compiled from: Tunisia passes landmark law to “end all violence” against women,France 24 (July 28, 2017); Tunisia passes historic law to end violence against women and girls, UN Women News (August 10, 2017).