Croatia: Opposition Criticizes University’s Planned Gender Studies Program
The Croatian conservative opposition party Bridge criticized the University of Zagreb's plan to introduce a Gender Studies program in the 2025/2026 school year, calling it unnecessary for Croatian society and education. While respecting university autonomy, the party emphasized that educational programs should be cost-effective and promote ‘objective truth.’ Bridge argues that gender theory supposedly distorts scientific objectivity and has no direct social benefit, claiming it primarily serves non-governmental organizations funded by taxpayers. The party also expressed concerns that gender theory fosters conflict between genders and creates societal confusion. Such arguments fall in line with those made on so-called gender ideology, a fiction which The Advocates for Human Rights describes in A Rollback for Human Rights: The Istanbul Convention Under Attack.
Compiled from: “Bridge: Gender studies unnecessary to Croatian society and education", N1, July 6, 2024.
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