Stop Violence Against Women
A project of The Advocates for Human Rights

UNFPA Releases Report from Case Studies on VAW

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) released a report about their experiences working in ten different nations with different programs addressing development and violence against women.  The report, with a complementary handbook, is meant to provide development professionals with experience from the field in how to implement violence against women projects in coordination with development efforts.

Programming to Address Violence Against Women is a collection of case studies from Mauritania, Romania, Sierra Leone, Morocco, Columbia, Kenya, Turkey, Mexico, Bangladesh and Ghana.  Each case study explores an entrance to service specific to the cultural norms of the country or a group within the country.  The report documents experiences on multiple levels and across sectors. 

It follows the knowledge that successful programs and experiences in one country cannot necessarily transfer into the cultural norms of another country or group.  Instead, development professionals who implement programs that address violence against women must address the specific context within which they are working.  The report notes the importance of collaboration and community ownership in ensuring the success of programs.

Compiled from: Programming to Address Violence Against Women: Ten Case Studies, UNFPA Technical Support Division, 2007. (PDF, 106 pages).
